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Links to other organizations engaged in related or complementary work.


CoastSnap is a global citizen science project to capture our changing coastlines. No matter where you are in the world, if you have a smartphone and an interest in the coast, we welcome you to participate! CoastSnap relies on repeat photos at the same location to track how the coast is changing over time due to processes such as storms, rising sea levels, human activities and other factors. This link is to the implementation local to the location of The Observatory.



Climate Change: solutions (FutureLearn Online Courses)

On this course, learners will explore solutions to this global challenge, including mitigation, adaptation and geo-engineering, which can help avoid the most dangerous climate changes.



Sniffer (knowledge brokers for a resilient Scotland):
Our vision is of a resilient Scotland where people are working together so that the places where we live, work and play are ready for the challenges and opportunities of a changing climate and environment. Our mission is to be change makers and knowledge brokers for a society with greater resilience to environmental change, in particular climate change. Our work is to bring people and ideas together to create a sustainable and resilient society.



Motu Economic and Public Policy Research:
is New Zealand’s leading non-profit economic and public policy research institute. We are a fully independent charitable trust. Our reputation is based on our high quality research work that is not compromised by any expressed ideology or political position.



The Climate Commission:
We provide independent, evidence-based advice to government to help Aotearoa New Zealand  transition to a low-emissions and climate-resilient economy. We are a Crown entity established under the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act. Our Commissioners were announced by the Minister for Climate Change, Hon James Shaw, on 17 December 2019.



The Manchester Climate Change Partnership and Agency
Are responsible for overseeing and championing climate change action in the city. The Partnership was established in February 2018 and builds on the work of the MACF Steering Group, which was in place from 2010 - 2017.



Research and Evaluation Unit is the council's center for environmental, social, economic and cultural research. RIMU carries out these evidence-gathering functions:

  • research

  • monitoring

  • evaluation

  • reporting


As Auckland grows and changes, this evidence-based information helps the council develop, implement and evaluate policy. RIMU offers a range of research services to all council departments and council-controlled organisations (CCOs). The wider community can also access the council's research results and publications through:



Global Association for Transition Engineering:
“The future will not be like the past. Unsustainable systems often present wicked problems. Transition Engineering creates surprising opportunities and innovative perspectives by taking on wicked problems….there is Hope, but it depends on us”. Transition Engineers design and carry out the projects of change. We work from a systems perspective to strategically plan changes to today's engineered systems so they fit into the future we want. Transition involves the whole of society, economy, law, ecology, infrastructure, and energy and material supply chains. We use the Interdisciplinary Transition, Innovation, Management and Engineering (InTIME) methodology to generate new opportunities through disruptive ideas, or downshifting.  and



Regenerative Business Development:  
We are experienced business consultants, passionate about positive change and supporting New Zealand's manufacturing industry. With experience in New Zealand, China, the Netherlands and Germany in the areas of Lean Management, Effective Process Improvement, Global Product Compliance, Efficient Product Development, Improved Product Safety and Risk Assessment Procedures, we know both the challenges and the opportunities for improvement. We understand the changing expectations businesses are currently facing and as a New Zealand business, we want to help other New Zealand businesses lead the way in becoming strong and resilient future focused leaders.



The Deep South Challenge:
mission is to enable New Zealanders to adapt, manage risk and thrive in a changing climate. We know that scientists, industry and communities must work together if society is to adapt to our changing climate.



Ministry for the Environment: 
Our changing climate will affect our economy, environment and way of life. We are uncertain about the pace and scale of future change. We do know that planning for the future means planning for a different climate. New Zealand needs resilient systems able to deal with the scale and pace of change.



Institution for Environmental Sciences: 
We are a membership organisation representing the full spectrum of environmental disciplines – from fields as diverse as air quality, land condition, marine science and education – wherever you find environmental work underpinned by science.



Koi TÅ« - The Centre for Informed Futures:
is an independent and apolitical think tank and research centre based at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. We generate knowledge and tools to address critical long-term global and national challenges arising from rapid and far-reaching social, economic, technological and environmental change. These transformations are happening at a scale and speed which is unique in human history. Ensuring our resilience as societies and as individuals in this challenging context requires analysis, interpretation and partnerships. 



Climate Ready Clyde:
Climate Ready Clyde is a cross-sector initiative funded by the Scottish Government and 15 member organizations to create a shared vision, strategy and action plan for an adapting Glasgow City Region. To realize this, we have developed a vision for the City Region, based on three key principles: We put people at the center; We strive for economic resilience; We work with nature, not against it.



Sustainable Business Network:
We are New Zealand’s largest, longest-standing sustainable business organization. Our network includes 600 organizations that connect through events, resources and projects to help New Zealand become a more sustainable nation. Our experienced team of sustainability experts provides practical advice and tools, engages with you at events, and keeps you at the cutting edge of sustainable business news. Our projects on water and the low carbon circular economy help you make a difference. We are empowering business so people and nature prosper.



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